

今天中罚单300大洋 我真的有系安全带!

cicily 2012-9-24 16:53:25 显示全部楼层 阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 澳大利亚
从Coles开出来回 Uni Apartment, 不到一分钟警车就一直跟着。

我也不知道是跟着我的 到了开始上坡的时候开始警鸣 示意我停车

我停下车后关火 上手刹 然后很自然的就把安全带解开 然后开窗问警察什么事


我解释过了 但是他们很肯定我没系 还说我开了很久without seatbelt on。但是从coles到上坡的路程也就3分钟

因为我没带驾照 女警说如果我罚你没带驾照的单 金额会更大 而且还会上法庭

我本来想跟她说我愿意付没带驾照的罚单 因为我确实没带。 但是我不能接受没系安全带的罚单,因为我确实系勒。 她跟我说了上面那些话之后我就没说。但是真的没带驾照的罚单更贵吗?还需要上法庭?

有人经历过这种事吗?想上法庭但是没时间也没心情战斗啊。简单的方法就是直接把罚款交了 但是为自己没做的事情负责真的很怨,两位警察的态度又好像一直逼着认罪似的。


bulekuler 2012-9-24 17:36:12 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
有一次没带驾照被查住 也没罚 就说下次注意

有的警察很随和 看到是学生样子的就算了 有的貌似故意找事

上次一哥们被警察拦住 愣是说他酒驾 结果一测一点事没有,警察一看不能罢休啊 就围着车转了一圈 然后勒令他一周内把四个轮胎全换了 然后拿着收据去警察局看 要不然就开什么罚单 ,那哥们没辙 花了1000多换了四个新轮胎
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Mao 2012-9-24 18:39:34 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
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Mao 2012-9-24 18:40:07 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
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xukai19870523 2012-9-24 23:33:01 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
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ceciliachiu 2012-9-25 00:12:11 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
I heard that if this is your very first ticket (i.e., you were not booked before), you can get someone to write to [not sure which authority] and ask for a warning and a waiver of the fine.  They normally will grant it if this is speeding in excess of less than 10Km.  This may not apply to your case. Try Kate Davey of TUU, tel: (03) 6226 2855 and see if she can give you any advice.

This is a lesson to learn for all.  Next time, do not unbuckle unless the police tells you to. I have heard stories about police targeting Chinese students. If you are being unreasonably targeted, ask the police for his/her name and police number. Use your mobile phone to audio or video record the conversation. You may make a complaint to a senator or, if you think this is a discrimination case, to the Discrimination Commissioner.

The daughter of a friend of mine studying at UTAS Hobart and her boyfriend (they are locals) left Coles, drove away forgetting to buckle up. They were each fined $750. It seems that Coles is a black spot for students not wearing seat belts.
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vickyinsydney 2012-9-25 17:42:13 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
ceciliachiu 发表于 2012-9-25 00:12
I heard that if this is your very first ticket (i.e., you were not booked before), you can get someo ...

a well-written plea sometimes works.
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vickyinsydney 2012-9-25 17:43:09 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
Mao 发表于 2012-9-24 18:40

are you worried? do you often speed there with your handsome monster vehicle? or doing drift coming out of the car park?
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tyw4000 2012-9-25 17:48:32 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
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Mao 2012-9-25 18:56:35 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
vickyinsydney 发表于 2012-9-25 17:43
are you worried? do you often speed there with your handsome monster vehicle? or doing drift comin ...

lol.... im a good driver la ::xt024::
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