


塔州雅思 2012-3-10 19:53:08 显示全部楼层 阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 澳大利亚
今天考试回忆:考点 澳洲 听力版本 12126 第一个是关于一个人要换新的medicare card 有名字(有拼) 地址 生日 卡的类型 旧卡的单位名字 地址 他想要什么样的医生 时间上和专业上 第二个是一个公司招新的员工 后面几个题是将员工和他所负责的工作match 第三个是想不起来了 第四个是关于机场的建设 前三个是选择 5个matching 描述5个可能发生的问题 然后2个填空 貌似是green test, assurance 阅读第一个是描述一种野狗 它们现在扩大了生存范围 第二篇是描述发明的一种东西可以帮助航海员准确确定他们的位置 第三个是讲类似于油画 数字照相 电影制作这类的东西 每一种的利弊还有新发明对他们的影响 写作 小作文是table 比较在2003年6 个不同国家关于 mobile phones and personal computers应用的情况 大作文是说预计将来 会有a higher proportion of older people than younger people 问你有positive or negative effect 口语 第一部分问的住在什么样的房子里 喜欢那种房子 garden/park meet new people 第二部分问的是描述a thing you have lost what/when/how you feel 第三部分问的是人们为什么总丢东西 应该怎么保护他们的财务 抢劫是不是越来越多了 为什么要把捡到的还回去 如果不还怎么样
大作文:In the future it is expected that there is a higher proportion of older people than young people.
Is it a positive or negative development?

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落叶都愁 2012-3-12 20:49:46 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
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塔州雅思 楼主 2012-3-17 14:20:49 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
小作文是bar chart,大作文News media are important in modern society. Why are they important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?
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塔州雅思 楼主 2012-3-31 15:56:21 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
听力S4】V100417S4戏剧表演对小学生教育的影响,Drama 对 children 的影响31confidence,32cooperations/ listening 正确答案为二者之一,33teamwork 不详,仅供参考,34risks 不详,仅供参考,35therapy,36帮助孩子remember和理解历史,37safe,38morality,39有助于增加participation,40理解历史带来的problems

S1: 地址 15 Compton; 邮编 NW33NT; 生日 15 July 1985 (不确定); 后面是关于replacement的,包括school,teaching,waitress,Spain, two months, France S2: 地图matching 填的字母有 CFGEA 貌似缺了一个 记不清了; 讨论四本新书 和对于他们的comment, Penny那本书选good illustrations; Running boy那本选award-winning 那项;the hidden 什么的选true stories; Orange Moon 不确定 选了part of a series S3 鸟? 鸟什么 谁能提醒下 想起来一个词就记得后面了 S4 一个science project. Confidence, participations, responsible, therapy, morality,remember,problems, nut

阅读:: 一个是磁力疗法在医学运用的争论,一;个是亚历山大城的考古;还有是rat和一种像蜥蜴动物在一同生存后的蜥蜴那一物种的灭绝,生物进化论什么的,在新西兰。

写作:小作文曲线图 三种图书children's books, educational books, adult fiction的sales of books ($million)变化between 2002 and 2006. 大作文 In some cultures the old age is highly valued,while in some cultures youth is highly valued. discuss both and give your opinion
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塔州雅思 楼主 2012-4-21 17:18:08 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚



第一篇:是乡村小型自制交通工具 y n ng 然后看图填空 能接到自行车上的小型救护车 cushions cover
第二篇: 主题肌肉萎缩

A类作文:Task1. bar chart. the percentage of adults in different age groups using the internet in UK during 2003 to 2006. Task 2, some people prefer planning the future while others argue that we should focus on the present. Do you agree or disagree.

G类作文:小作文complain purchased product do not match with the description. 大作文 punish or reward children discuss both sides.

part1: 关于学校/学习/很多小问题如你居住的房子/reading books/fashion

about a small business you want to start/一封信/一个老人/一部外国电影/一个古老的建筑/考了你想去哪个国家旅游为什么/经历的一次坏天气/崇拜的领导人/过生日跟家人过还是和朋友过/说你将来想做的工作/为什么想做,需要哪些能力/一次生气的经历/someone do things kind to you

人类行为对天气的影响 来自热的地方的人和冷的 有什么不一样
volunteer和business social responsibility

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majiazhou 2012-5-6 09:21:37 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国河北秦皇岛
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luwenbovip 2012-5-9 00:52:17 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
majiazhou 发表于 2012-5-6 09:21

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塔州雅思 楼主 2012-5-16 16:16:48 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚

Section 1 Contact phone number: 1. 07958477222 Best time to call: 2. Thursday morning Number of people travelling: 3. 7 Date of outward journey: 4. 22 November Day of return journey: 25 November Purpose of trip: a 5. wedding Special requirement: One passenger can't eat 6. cheese Market research: The number of trips in last 12 months: six Last country visited:7. India Purpose of last foreign trip: 8. business Customer’s comment on the website: too 9. slow Email address: carter.s@ 10. speedtech.com 。。 section 4 31. vertical 32. cabin 33. camel 34. 35. farmers (复数) 36. grain 37. clothing 38. harvest 39. tents (复数) 40. intermediate  Ancient Greek coins Bird Migration Take back your time 写作题目 Nowadays consumers are faced with the advertisements from competitive companies. To what extent do you agree that consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures should be taken to protect them?


鸟类迁徙答案公布(保证正确):14:iv(physical characteristic)15:V(main reason),16:ii(unexplained rejection),17:x(mysterious migration),
18:vii(research finding on how birds migrate)19: i (the best moment) 20: viii (successful migration)
21-22:AC. 23-26: parental guidance, compass, predators, visible

大作文:People often faced amount of advertisement from competing companies to what extend does the advertising make influences on people and give your solution to reduce the negative impacts?

part1是问专业,问外语,问小时候是不是外;you hometownpart
part2是一个好学生,跟他学习怎么进步了,他怎么好了; job want visit city angry thing 还有 work place photo film wedding;an open air you visited Part3:you pefer like city or countrysidesomething you learned from another culture; 小时候想做的工作;关于现代房屋建造什么的
part3是什么是一个好学生,好老师是怎么样的,遇到过坏老师没;how can other cultures help you understand your own culture?how can people from other cultures affect your personal identity?P3:which jobs less attractive to young people?importance of satisfaction or salary?which job popular in your country?
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