

First Christmas in Tasmania

ceciliachiu 2012-6-16 10:17:02 显示全部楼层 阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 澳大利亚
Week 11, 22 – 28 December 2011

Every year, Christmas is the time to travel to Melbourne and meet my husband’s family as most of the family members are there. This year, we celebrated our first Christmas in Tasmania.  Many asked me how I planned to spend Christmas. Given the limited mobility, I had no plans. We have no Christmas tree at home, not even simple Christmas decoration.

At last, I reckoned we should celebrate Christmas in a popular Australian fashion – barbeque!  So, I invited some Chinese students to our place for a Christmas barbeque. There were three students and the parents of one of the three who were travelling in Tasmania at that time.

As my husband could be the chauffeur 司機, we decided to make a trip together to the East Coast. All of them except one had not seen Wineglass Bay anyway.

We went on 27 December. It was a big trip, 470+ Km return. They were concerned if I could survive the long journey. I have an orthopaedic seat cushion and it was not too bad. What was most scary was the double vision. I saw two identical cars side by side coming in the opposite direction and one was travelling  on our lane. I almost screamed expecting a head on collision. Then I realised it was only double vision.  Throughout the journey, I had to constantly tell myself to ignore these “phantom” 鬼 cars.  After a long day, on our return trip, I got so confused and dazzled 目眩, I had to close my eyes, which is not me. I seldom doze off 打瞌睡 or sleep while travelling in a car.  


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