

I reckon there is only one contestant

ceciliachiu 2012-5-22 11:12:59 显示全部楼层 阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 澳大利亚
7 November 2011 (Monday), Day 26

My husband came at noon time.  He showed me a photo of Grace in a Halo*, with a pig tail 一種辮子, holding the souvenir medal 紀念獎牌 which he took yesterday in Hobart .  He emailed the photo to one of our friends in Hong Kong saying that Grace received a medal from the Chinese Roll Over Club for the best hair style. By the way, he was voted the number one husband by my EMBA classmates (Grace and I were in the same class).  I reckon there was only one contestant 參賽者.

I had a fairly sore tummy for a few days.  The heparin injections twice daily to prevent blood clot had left bruises, marks and lumps 腫塊 on my tummy.

I had probably had a bit too much water that I got up a number of times  in the small hours to go to the toilet.  At about 1am, I heard one male  voice and one female voice chatting loudly from the other end of the  corridor.  The phone rang and one wondered who would call at this time  of the day.  And there were the usual coughs from other patients in the ward.

There was a male patient wandering in the ward and a nurse tried to engage him in a conversation.  He asked for something and the nurse said: “It is two o’clock in the morning. Everything is closed.”  

“Can I get you a cup of tea?", asked the nurse.

"Black, two sugar,” responded the man.

“Please go back to your room; I will bring the tea to you," the nurse said.

Then this patient walked into our room, pointed at us and said we were in the wrong room. I could see his silhouette 身影 at the door.  

Eventually when all quieted down, it was 3am.  I was in pain and asked for Panadol.  I then managed to sleep till 5ish to be woken up by a nurse telling the same male patient that he should have a shower.  Then there were noises of heavy objects being dropped onto the floor.  At 6am, I asked for pain relief again hoping to be able to get back to sleep. The bustling sounds in the ward from six onwards kept me awake.

* Below is an image of a Halo and it has to be bolted 固定 to the skull using 4 screws.


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