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标题: 《急》因为个人原因,房租合约需要转让,single or couple both ok,合约签 ... [打印本页]

作者: BowenShen    时间: 2019-12-4 15:26
标题: 《急》因为个人原因,房租合约需要转让,single or couple both ok,合约签 ...
《急》因为个人原因,房租合约需要转让,single or couple both ok,合约签到2020年9月19日,12/12號可入住。(可以养宠物!)
House在静街,新的住宅区,生活方便。house很新,你的房间是master room,带独立卫浴,包水电网。房东人很nice,华人couple自己经营饭馆,白天都是忙工作,大部分时间只有晚上才在家。除了你还有两个在读书的女生室友,他们人都很好相处,和他们共同使用公共设施,比如洗衣机,冰箱,厨房。房子可以养宠物,但一定要保证卫生!后院很大(完全属于狗狗的后院)房东有一只德国牧羊犬,狗狗很亲人喜欢,跟它熟悉了以后会很粘人,对人很friendly,对其他的狗狗也能很好的相处,如果你有狗或者没有狗都很适合。house前面可以停车,路边也可以停车。
地址:5 burgundy road Howrah


連絡人:Tony 0456660060
微信ID: 504773774 ( LZ_Kobe)
Ps: 房间内也可以养猫咪~

Emergency (pet allow)
Because of personal reasons, the rent contract needs to be transferred, single or couple both ok, the contract will be signed until September 19th, 2020, and you can move in at December 12.
House in the quiet street, the new residential area, life is convenient. House is very new, your room is master room, with independent bathroom and water grid. The landlord is very nice. Chinese couple runs their own restaurant. They are busy working during the day and only stay at home at night most of the time. Besides you, there are two female roommates who are studying. They are easy to get along with and share the common facilities with them, such as washing machine, refrigerator and kitchen. Pets can be kept in the house, but they must be kept clean! The owner has a German shepherd. The dog is very close to his family. When he gets familiar with it, he will be very clingy and friendly to people. You can park in front of the house and on the curb.

Address: 5 burgundy road, Howrah


Contact: Tony 0456660060
WeChat ID: 504773774 (LZ_Kobe)
Ps: cat is also allowed to live in~

作者: BowenShen    时间: 2019-12-4 16:45
Sorry, 更正一下哈、可以养宠物猫狗~ 且有独立卫浴~

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