

Sandy Bay Master room $173 per week super close to University of Tasma

yintaoxiaowanzi 2020-3-9 19:30:22 显示全部楼层 阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 澳大利亚
霍巴特地区: Sandy Bay
房屋地址: View Street,Sandy Bay
房屋租期: 长租
房屋户型: House
出租方式: 单间
出租租金: 173
房屋配置: 水电 网络 冰箱 微波炉 厨房用具 洗衣机 沙发 床 停车位 
允许宠物: 不可以
入住时间: 2020-04-01
房屋来源: 中介
联系人: Li
手机号: 402142790
微信: 329286797
Big Master room near Sandy Bay University of Tasmania is available, only $173 per week (for single), $210 per week (for couple), it includes water bill and internet bill, share electricity bills. This is one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom style with independent park space, located in 76 view street, Sandy Bay, 3 minutes walking to University of Tasmania, 5 minutes walk can arrive Fresh Salamanca and big Hill Street Grocery Store, 15 minutes walk can arrive Sandy Bay Woolwoths and Coles, it is really convenient. The living room has one roommate to live, who studys in Utas. All furnitures and electricity devices are provided, a king size bed with white bedside table, big study table, nice wooden waredrobe, cozy sofa and embedded cabinet. What's more, a beautiful ocean view can be witnessed through the beautiful French Window everyday. Now the master room is available, welcome to inspect the house, share bill, the price is negotiable, please contact

Lin 0402142790

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